dinsdag 13 maart 2012

On the way to CeBIT

The trip to CeBIT was verry long but it was a smooth ride with no accidents and only one small delay before we arrived at CeBIT. We were on the bus for 6 hours before we got to our destination lucky it was early in the morning so we could catch some extra sleep on the way.

What is CeBIT?

CeBIT is an IT expo over a number of days with stands from all over the world ex: Brasilian,Chinese,Portugeese. It is mostlly focussed on buisness but u also have a labs part, Life part and my favorite part was the 2 exhibition part about gaming. Alot of big it buisnesses were there but some of the "Big boys" were missing.

I saw IBM,Google,Windows,Linux to just say some of the manny but the one i really missed ASUS since it is one of the top competing Company's in motherboards

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